Your partner in reaching more diverse audiences

Whether you’re an independent writer or a content distributor, at the storyboarding phase or on your final draft, I’m here to ensure your intention for diverse representation is met and that audiences will feel seen by your story.

Content Diversity Advising

This service is a resource and safe space for writers to ask the uncomfortable questions and help them understand lived experiences outside of their own. I will be your partner and provide insight into the marginalized communities and diverse characters you’re looking to portray.

    1. During the storyboarding phase, you will receive weekly calls to build authentic diversity into your work and to discuss:

      • Character - Identity, Arc, & Development

      • Story & Plot

      • Tropes & Stereotypes

    2. During the writing and editing phases, you’ll receive biweekly calls to discuss the above, alongside recommendations, flagged areas of concern, and an overall diversity analysis on your latest draft.

    3. You will receive guidance and partnership on the relevant identity dimensions present in your content. See the bottom of this page for my area of expertise.

  • Writers

Authenticity Analysis & Review

For manuscripts in the editing process, this offering provides an overall equity and representation analysis of the prominent identity dimensions present in the narrative and flags areas of concern.

    • A written analysis of the identity dimensions present in the narrative, including:

      • Race

      • Gender

      • LGBTQIA+ & Sexuality

      • Ability

      • Intersectionality

      • Allyship

      • Abolition

    • Overall feedback and specific suggestions on lines, plot points, characters, etc.

    • A list of any tropes or stereotypes present, along with explanations on what they are and how they affect your audience

    • Suggestions on creating stronger and/or more authentic characters

    • Flagged areas of concern and possible solves

    • The narrative will also be put through the pertinent industry diversity tests

    • Analytical data can also be compiled as requested

  • Writers, Editors, & Publishers

Inclusion Office Hours

Operating as a safe space to ask the uncomfortable, but necessary, questions. These advising sessions provide insight and guidance into empowered portrayals of marginalized communities, and partnership in navigating all aspects of representation and diversity in content.

    • A set number of hours will be set aside per month where clients and their teams can come to discuss potential projects they’re looking to pick up. We will work through:

      • Specific character and plot decisions

      • Tackle general diversity questions

      • Provide top-level notes on content

      • Create a plan of action on what is needed for projects in the various stages of development

      • Deep dive on the impacts of these choices so they can be relayed to the writing team

  • Writers, Editors, & Publishers

Novel to Screenplay Advising

Working in partnership with the writing team, this service assists writers in taking their stories from the page onto the screen.

    • This is a bespoke package. To receive more information, please reach out to me through the Contact Page.

  • Writers, Producers, & Studios



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