Content Diversity Advisor partnering with writers to create authentic stories and characters.



A South Asian activist helping writers depict lived experiences outside their own.

Nidhi Bhatt is an Indian-American diversity advisor, writer, and activist. Her work is rooted in the cross-section of storytelling and activism and centers on humanizing social justice through content.

She guides clients, as a partner, working to shape diverse characters and authentic stories. She advocates for marginalized communities by driving increased representation and understanding. Her activism is focused on healing justice, the importance of wellness in liberation journeys, cultivating allyship, and leveraging the power of narratives for social good.

Recent Work

Nidhi currently partners with a wide variety of independent authors, publishers, and writers to help them craft stories and characters true to the communities they are portraying. She creates a safe space for writers to ask the tough and uncomfortable questions and to champion film, tv, and written content that are gold standard examples of authentic representation.



My offerings include…

Content Diversity Advising

Authenticity Analysis & Review


Let’s get started!

Diversity is more than just casting. It must permeate all aspects of character, story, and message. Audiences are tired of reading about strong women that ultimately exist only to push the male lead’s character development.

They’re tired of Black and Asian characters being relegated to the friend, or being characterized as sassy or meek. They are pushing back against copaganda (propaganda for police) that causes harm to real-life communities. But, this creates an opportunity for deeper, more impactful stories to take their place.